Crisis of the Real; Writings on Photography Since 1974

Format: Trade Paper
Pub. Date: 1999-06-30
Publisher(s): Aperture
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Agree with them or not, Andy Grundberg's provocative critical opinions invariably make one think hard about the art of photography. Gathered together in the rigorous form of a book, his reflections take on a new perspective and provide a rare opportunity to relive--and reconsider--recent history: a decade and a half of such intensity that the shape of photography changed forever. --Jim Hughes, author of W. Eugene Smith: Shadow & Substance

Table of Contents

Foreword to the Second Edition
The Crisis of the Real
Re: Mastering Modernism
Alfred Stieglitz and the Contradictions of Modernismp. 20
Edward Weston's Late Landscapesp. 24
Ansel Adams: The Politics of Natural Spacep. 31
Minor White: The Fall from Grace of a Spiritual Gurup. 37
The Radical Failure of Laszlo Moholy-Nagyp. 42
Robert Frank's Existential Refrainp. 46
In Search of America
The Machine and the Garden: Photography, Technology, and the End of Innocent Spacep. 50
Walker Evans, Connoisseur of the Commonplacep. 66
Helen Levitt's Realist Theaterp. 71
The Final "Facts" of Garry Winograndp. 75
Lee Friedlander's Portraitsp. 79
Robert Adams's Pathetic Frontierp. 83
Joel Sternfeld: The Itinerant Visionp. 87
Richard Avedon's Portraits: Inverted Fashion, Fashionable Mudp. 92
Nan Goldin's Grim "Ballad"p. 95
A New Kind of Art: Camera Culture in the 1980s
Introductionp. 100
Photographic Culture in a Drawn Worldp. 101
Andy Warhol: Presentation Without Representationp. 106
Chuck Close's Hyperbolic Verisimilitudep. 110
Lucas Samaras's Photographs: Sliced, Stabbed, and Cubed Polaroidsp. 114
Cindy Sherman: A Playful and Political Postmodernistp. 118
Cindy Sherman, Continued: Grimm, but Still Playfulp. 122
Laurie Simmons: Water Buoyedp. 125
Barbara Kruger: Photomontage with Differencep. 128
Richard Prince, Rephotographerp. 132
Robert Cumming, Conflationistp. 136
Jan Groover: Consciousness as Contentp. 140
The Photograph as Art Objectp. 144
Robert Mapplethorpe: The Subject Is Stylep. 148
Now Starring The Starn Twinsp. 153
The Representation of Abstraction/The Abstraction of Representationp. 158
Documentary Dilemmas
Introductionp. 166
What Kind of Art Is It? Connoisseurs Versus Contextualistsp. 167
Decoding National Geographicp. 172
Oliver North, Fawn Hall, and the View of Life from Lifep. 176
The Foreign and the Fabulousp. 180
The "New Photojournalism" and the Oldp. 184
Magnum's Postwar Paradoxp. 191
Subject and Style: Prospects for a New Documentaryp. 196
Portraits, Real and Recycledp. 200
Nicholas Nixon's People, With AIDSp. 205
Displaced Sympathies: A Reading of Bill Burke's Portraitsp. 210
Photography at the End of the Millennium
Photography in Its 150th Yearp. 216
Photography in the Age of Electronic Simulationp. 222
Looking at Televisionp. 231
Photographic Memory and the News in "Real Time"p. 236
Art Under Attack: Who Dares Say That It's No Good?p. 241
Points of Entry: Tracing Culturesp. 245
Photography's Dark Side: The Work of Sophie Callep. 250
Sweet Illusion: Vik Muniz's Sigmundp. 254
J. John Priola: The Photograph as Indexp. 259
Photography Beside Itselfp. 263
Notesp. 274
Text Creditsp. 279
Picture Creditsp. 280
Bibliographyp. 281
Indexp. 283
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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