Reverse Heart Disease Now : Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late

by ; ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2008-01-18
Publisher(s): Wiley
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While most books focus solely on the role of cholesterol in heart disease, Reverse Heart Disease Now draws on new research that points to the surprising other causes. Two leading cardiologists draw on their collective fifty years of clinical cardiology research to show you how to combine the benefits of modern medicine, over-the-counter vitamins and supplements, and simple lifestyle changes to have a healthy heart.

Author Biography

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., has specialized in preventive cardiology for more than twenty years. He has written or coauthored ten books, including The Fast Food Diet, and writes the popular nationally distributed monthly newsletter, Heart, Health, and Nutrition (

James C. Roberts, M.D., has practiced invasive and integrative cardiology for twenty years and is the Medical Director of the EECP Center and Advanced Magnetic Research Institute of Northwest Ohio (

Martin Zucker, a former Associated Press newsman, has written many books on health and medicine.

Table of Contents

Preface: From Crisis to Prevention: The Transformation of Two Cardiologistsp. ix
Acknowledgmentsp. xvii
Introduction: The New Cardiologyp. 1
How We Get Clogged
Death by Inflammationp. 17
The Cholesterol Obsessionp. 31
The "Dirty Dozen" Risk Factorsp. 38
How to Get Unclogged
Tests You Needp. 61
Medication: What You Need and Don't Needp. 75
Supplements: The Basicsp. 92
Supplements: The ATP/Energy Boostersp. 134
Detoxp. 163
The Anti-Inflammatory Dietp. 172
Exercise: The Secret for People Who Can't or Won'tp. 183
Defusing Stressp. 188
Putting It All Together: The New Cardiology Unclog Programp. 199
Epilogue: The Crystal Ballp. 223
Resourcesp. 225
Glycemic Index of Carbohydratesp. 230
Selected Scientific Referencesp. 232
Indexp. 241
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